Sunday, January 25, 2015

Plain, But Fancy...

Last year was a great year for me to really go outside of my normal comfort zone of being the bikini girl / fitness model. Most of my shoots recently have been with either bikinis, to compliment all my hard work at the gym, or sports gear. What many don't know, I started my career off as a fashion model for Michael Costello in Palm Springs at the tender age of 14. This shoot I am about to share with you is really just going back to my fashion roots.

I have recently met a friend through another friend, and came across her profile and website, "Plain, But Fancy". This stood out to me because I loved how catchy the title was and felt that I, as a woman, could relate. I dug deeper into her site and noticed that most of the clothing was a vintage style clothing that embraced the stitching of the 70's. The colors were too elaborate to be of this generation and the texture of the clothing looked too sturdy to be made in China. I had to reach out to her to collaborate!

The introduction of how we met isn't necessarily that important, but who she is, is what truly matters. Her name is Marcia, and she started this site by going to estate sales and seeking out some good old fashions people were just tossing out. Not only were these people tossing them, but she felt that these fashions could be restored and revived in todays world. She purchased those articles of clothing and began the revitalization process making sure to maintain the top quality of the clothing.

Thus began our relationship as stylist and model. She and I had made an agreement to showcase the clothing, as I ran down to Joe Stemmer in Palm Springs to show him the fun new clothing I received. He was just as delighted as I was when I showed up with a full days worth of clothes to shoot in.

Either way, here are a few shots from our shoot.

Also, please check out the site: Plain, but Fancy! 

Find her Facebook: Plain but Fancy

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy New Year!

Since we are still in the first month of the New Year, I want to wish everyone a very, very Prosperous 2015. I hope the most of you have stuck to your New Years Resolutions, and if you haven't, don't feel bad. I already lost my ability to manage my time properly.

I say that because I have finally got the chance to sit down and write a post about what has manifested in the short few weeks of the new year. Even though I have been attempting to blog, I have yet to have any time to sit down to really focus on what I wanted to write about. But than, in my thinking stages, I came to the grateful conclusion that I am living the short description of what my 2015 may already look like. 

I found a pitbull in Las Vegas! Adopt Him!
Productive, Persistent, and Patient.

These three P's mean so much to me when I am working with a client and working for an agency. I don't think models really understand how important it is to manage their time productively, be persistent with their look and work, or even knowing how to be patient with the clients needs and wants. I find it super important when I am working with anyone, that these qualities stand out.

Productive: When I am not shooting or working for any brand, my time is mostly spent finding new clients to work with, calling my agents and letting them know my availability, building relationships with clients, helping my clients to meet their deadlines, finding models for my clients, finding models whom are reliable and are not afraid of any job too big or too small. That is just my work side... you should see what I do when I channel my inner wife mode. The point is, this is time I take out of my day, for free, to help those around me. I know how much overhead is for some clients when they have things to do, and they remember characteristics like mine for the future for work.

Persistent: It is really important that I stay persistent. In the beginning of the year I made sure to keep up with my work outs. But I also thought about how that discipline and persistence applies to my work ethic. From what I learned in CSUN, if I am not pursuing my education I know I am gonna do bad in my classes. If I neglect any phone calls, or emails from my clients I am going to get an "F" from them and probably will not be considered to be worked with.

Patience: There are many times I will have a quiet time between jobs. At this moment, it is very easy for me to get frustrated about the lack of work. This is the most important time to stay both persistent and productive attempting to find clients. Also, Patience is really essential because if you stuck with the first two P's, the clients will remember you and contact you when they need you. Which may not be necessarily on your time, but it will be the right time.