Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"I was gonna call you but...'

There has been more than one time where I have heard this in the last week.

My best friend and his girlfriend, before they had their baby, had to go to the hospital to deliver. I only knew that because her Facebook posted how depressed she was being alone. I called him to see what was up and if there was anything I could do…

“I was gonna call you, but I forgot.”

Another incident happened when I had enough texting a friend and decided to call him. He picked up and said, “I was gonna call you last week! But I got caught up in family.” Finally we continued a conversation that needed to happen, because of big details that needed to be discussed.

Last one…

A photographer friend of mine and I have been discussing plans for a while, and finally we want to make it happen. When I called to talk shop, he answered, “I was gonna call you but,…” I don’t even remember the reason, but only realized that I had heard it 3 times in the last week.

Not to mention the countless family members that barely keep in touch, or I hear about family death through text message. Whatever happened to just calling someone and talking their ear off for 10-15 or even an hour?

We are all a suspect of it. The advancement of technology is giving us a reason to be too busy, or act as if we are. I have been that person too. However…

Let us make a pact together, and call each other when we think about each other. When you think of your loved one or friend, that thought is put there for a reason. Follow that thought and pick up the phone and just have a chat. Allow yourself to get caught up in someone else’s life and stop doing it via Facebook… CALL THEM and stop trolling on their page or Instagram.

Opportunities to either be a better friend, loved one, or even a better employee involves getting personal in each other’s space. Don’t be afraid to call and break down that wall of fear or procrastination.

Be a better friend, a better worker, a better you.

1 comment:

Dosekixx said...

I was gonna call you but my phone is just like the one in your picture and the battery must be really low.