Friday, July 5, 2013

Cosmetic Laser Solutions

"WHOA! What kind of razor do you use for your armpits? They are really smooth!" My response to the is I don't shave at all. Than I get a short gasp response and forward to a, "What do you use?" Laser hair removal has been around for quite sometime, about the 1960's is when it first started. There were many trials and errors, especially when it came to the effectiveness of the laser for hair removal. It wasn't until the late 90's where the lasers started to prove their worthiness to consumers. Now, Laser hair removal is a great substitute to waxing, shaving, or plucking those nasty hairs from your body's orifices. I started with Mario at Cosmetic Laser Solutions about 5 years ago. I didn't have really bad hair growth, but I always had that occasional ingrown hair. Mario, with his wonderful manners and expertise, was kind enough to walk me through the process and let me know what to expect. Once we started, I did feel pain, even after I was numbed with an ice pack. However, the more I did the procedure, the less it started to hurt. If you are ever considering getting hair removed in ANY area of your body, I would recommend Mario (for all genders!). Not only does he have the professional knowledge about hair removal but also an understanding of what his patients want! 36923 Cook St Ste 103 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 702-2575

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